Welcome to the new Sweet Fiber Shop redesign!

I am happy to share the new Sweet Fiber Shop redesign with you today! Over the last few months I have been working to update the shop layout as well as organize the "behind the scenes." While things may look different, your account and check out information will remain the same, no need to make a new account! Below is a list of some of the changes you might find helpful.
Direct payments are now accepted. You can pay with your credit card through Shopify's secure checkout process or continue using Paypal if you wish. I have expanded the variety of payment types we now accept, they are listed in the footer of this page.
The Sweet Fiber Yarns shop is now available on the Shop App. You can learn more about it here. It is a quick way to make purchases and allows you to track your shipments all in once place. While some features are only available to US merchants, I am hopeful they will expand them to us Canadians soon!
I have migrated our newsletter to a new hosting client. If you signed up via our Mailchimp page you will automatically have been transferred. If you select to receive marketing material during check out you will automatically be added to the list. If you have any doubts, feel free to enter your email in the newsletter sign up below in the footer.
I have adjusted the link layout at the top of the page. You can now find yarns organized by weight. You will also notice a new Dyed to Order section (coming soon) as well as a preview of the 2021 Advent Calendar which will be going on sale shortly.
All of my self published knitting patterns will slowly be added over the next little while. It's a big job!
Next I will be looking to update the variety of shipping carriers we support. I know there has been some interest for US destinations having the option to use Fedex. More to come on that.
Hope you like the new shop layout, I look forward to sharing the next shop update with you soon!